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Janae Jean
May 29, 20185 min read
Multiple Intelligences & Music Lessons
Back in 1983, American developmental psychologist, Howard Gardner, proposed his model that the human mind is not limited to only one or...

Janae Jean
Apr 29, 20183 min read
Janae's Philosophy of Education
I believe that all people, regardless of background, have innate creative ability. Creativity is what makes us human. As a music...

Janae Jean
Mar 21, 20185 min read
Music for Life – 12 Ways Music Benefits Emotional Health
In our previous Music for Life posts, we explored ways that music benefits students physically and intellectually (or academically.) This...

Janae Jean
Mar 3, 20185 min read
Music for Life – 15 Ways Music Benefits Intellectual Health
In the last "Music for Life" post, we learned about how music benefits us physically. Now, let's explore how learning music is good for...
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