We are thrilled to announce our latest group classes! We will soon be offering Vocal Strength and Conditioning for Kids, Music Sprouts! for K-2nd graders, Budding Musicians 3rd-5th graders, Art Sprouts! for K-2nd graders, and Budding Artists 3rd-5th graders.
Course Descriptions
Vocal Strength and Conditioning for Kids
The voice is made of muscle. As the rest of the muscles of the body require conditioning, the voice needs to be strong to perform at its best! In Vocal Strength and Conditioning for Kids, singers will learn fun and practical ways to prepare their voices for all types of singing from Broadway to Classical to today’s hits!
Music Sprouts!
Music is part of the human experience. In Music Sprouts!, students are introduced to the ways music contributes to the daily lives of people around the world. Students experience how rhythm, pitch, dynamics, and composition work together to create the universal language of music.
Budding Musicians
Budding Musicians teaches music fundamentals and style to upper elementary students. Students learn to express themselves more fluently through music. The course culminates with a musical project or performance.
Art Sprouts!
Art is in how we see the world around us! In Art Sprouts!, students learn to see the beauty in the every day world. Students are introduced to line/shape, light/dark (value), color (hue), and composition. Various media are explored, and individual expression is encouraged.
Budding Artists
Budding Artists teaches art fundamentals and style to upper elementary students. Students learn to express themselves through visual language. The course culminates with an artist portfolio and gallery night.
Contact us with your questions
